Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Soon after the training course of Paul and his classmates

Soon after the training course of Paul and his classmates, was sent west line of the war. These young people never know how the war is going on, a fire was fierce on the Herve Leger battlefield the bombardment, the rumbling of the guns, they are terrorized, some crying, some wet his pants. Veterans Kaczynski active comfort them and teach them the skills of survival on the battlefield. They several times on the battlefield, killing other people's love child, claimed the lives of others. hail of bullets into, I do not kill people, people kill me. they shouted red Yeah, kill ah!
failed, retired, and then cHerve Leger Bandage Dress ounterattack . at the height of tension and fear, Behm really crazy. a battle, Paul, a comrade in arms legs blown off, his young life was taken away, while the other was the chemical gas poisoning. not only so, the soldiers have to endure hunger positions, humidity, disease and bad weather. Paul painfully grief and said: French soldiers, he was afraid of each other killed himself, the first foot in the door, a knife killed the French soldiers. When he saw the French soldiers in his pocket when his wife and children photo, unknowingly Yizheng, then stabbed the deceased to see horrors, he was very contrite, even knelt down and asked the deceased's soul could forgive him. Paul was wounded in the battle to live a hospital. from injury after a leave of absence to return Herve Leger Dress home to visit his mother. ill mother to see the safe return of her son, very pleased .

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